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About us

Our mission statement

We combine professionalism and proximity to open up new perspectives for our clients via our funds and investment services.

An experienced team

We are passionate about investing. The quality of our track record testifies to our cutting-edge expertise. United within GAMA, our complementary skills enable us to provide high-performance funds and comprehensive services.

Manuel Streiff-033
Manuel Streiff
Investment Team
Rajeev de Mello
Investment Team
Jérome Strecker-029
Jerome Strecker
Senior Credit Analyst
Investment Team
Christophe Forest
Christophe Forest
Senior Credit Analyst & Portfolio Manager
Investment Team
Alexis Baeriswyl-029
Alexis Baeriswyl
Portfolio Manager
Investment Team
Paul Lombard-022
Paul Lombard
Joachim Huet
IT Solution Architect & Quant Analyst
Céline Richa-020
Céline Richa
Board of Directors
Christina Riva-024
Christina Riva
Independant Director
Board of Directors
René Sieber-032
Professor René Sieber
Independant Director
Board of Directors

We believe that a passionate and stable client-focused team can truly make a difference in our industry.

Manuel Streiff, Founder

Our values

Our business model and our activities are guided by strong values that we live out daily.

We are independent

GAMA is a pure asset manager majority-owned by its investment team. Independence ensures that our interests are perfectly aligned with those of our clients.

We care about sustainable performance

Long-term performance is our principal objective. For that, we look at both financial and non-financial criteria.
We continuously challenge the status quo to improve our processes.

We are a close and reliable partner

We put our experience and creativity to work for our clients. Being close to them allows us to design unique solutions that add value to their offering.

We work responsibly and ethically

Each of us acts responsibly, with integrity, transparency and conforming to the highest ethical standards. We avoid or disclose conflicts of interest and always behave loyally towards our clients.

Our ESG commitments

Our responsibility as an investor and employer guides our activities. We believe that caring for our partners and for future generations will help us generate more value for our clients over the long run.

Fostering sustainable prosperity raises complex issues which require open debates and elicit different answers. Our ESG approach is therefore resolutely pragmatic. We also rely on expert advice in this field.

Sustainability Process

Our responsibility as an investor

We manage investments according to these four principles:

1. Responsibility

We fulfill our fiduciary duties with integrity, independence and professionalism. As a responsible asset manager, we prefer active investment strategies to the “free-riding” of passive management. We use judgement when using quantitative ESG data. We urge governments and firms to promote free competition and to adhere to high ethical standards.

2. Transparency

We provide our clients with the relevant information and help them formulate their own ESG preferences.

3. Integrated decision-making

ESG is central to our investment decisions to enhance returns and mitigate risks. Our ESG process is based on three pillars: Exclusion, ESG factors integration, and Engagement.

4. Engagement

We promote constructive dialogue with corporations and public entities about ESG considerations. This starts with appropriate financial and ESG disclosures.
GAMA leverages its influence through collective engagement to help reach desirable outcomes.

Investment exclusions

GAMA supports international agreements on compliance with the conventions on anti-personnel mines (Ottawa Convention) and the prohibition of cluster bombs (Oslo Convention). Therefore, we do not invest in issuers directly or indirectly involved in the production and/or distribution of cluster bombs and/or landmines.
In addition, issuers directly or indirectly involved in the production or distribution of biological and chemical weapons and depleted uranium munitions are excluded.
GAMA excludes companies that repeatedly and seriously violate one or more of the ten principles of the Global Compact.

GAMA applies an exclusion of securities issued by corporate entities that derive more than 5% of their revenues from:

  • the production and distribution of tobacco or tobacco products;
  • the production of nonconventional fossil fuels such as shale gas and tar sand;
  • adult entertainment;
  • gambling.

Our responsibility as an employer

The following corporate principles guide our behaviour and our analysis of other corporations:

  • We embed ESG into our corporate policies and reporting documents to maintain high standards of transparency, accountability, and governance more broadly.
  • We seek to create a work environment where people are judged on their skills. We condemn all forms of discrimination and stereotyping, positive and negative.
  • We encourage our employees’ commitment to volunteer work and participation in educational programs.
  • We strive to minimise the carbon footprint of our activities and to provide good stewardship of the environment.

ESG Board

We benefit from the support of an independent ESG Board to support us in terms of sustainable finance and ESG positioning. The firm can count on the expertise, experience and relevance of 3 members whose skills in the ESG field are recognized:

René Sieber
Independant Board Member for GAMA
Dominique Habegger
Chief Sustainability Officer for De Pury Picet Turrettini
Jean Laville
Partner at Conser Invest

Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)

We have been a signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) since February 2021. The PRIs were launched by the United Nations in 2006 and are the world’s largest responsible investment initiative: a voluntary commitment that encourages investors to integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues into investment management.

For more information



GAMA has been a member of the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC) since April 2023.

The IIGCC brings together European investors who join forces to combat climate change and advocate for the interests of investors committed to creating a prosperous and environmentally friendly future characterized by reduced carbon emissions. The mission of the IIGCC is to support and facilitate concrete progress made by the investor community in achieving a net-zero and resilient future by 2030.

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Label Ecomobile

This label aims to promote Geneva companies and institutions that set up a mobility plan.

  • Promote walking and cycling
  • Promote the use of public transport
  • Promote shared automobile mobility (carpooling, carsharing, etc.)
  • Limit the number of parking spaces made available and set up pricing for employees benefiting from them
  • Encourage the implementation of new work practices to reduce travel (teleworking, use of co-working spaces, nomadism, etc.)

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